Prayer Partner


About the Product

Prayer Partner provides a religious-based platform where Christians can request and share prayers. Users can connect with friends and family through the app and send them blessings and spiritual support.


Our challenge is to keep the app modern and appealing to the younger generations without emphasizing religion. We want to create a platform where people can confidently share their daily challenges and receive support to overcome those.


iOS application and Web Admin backend managment system. 

My Role

As the principal designer, my primary role is to create the overall experience of the entire app. Communicate and guide the client through understanding user flow, wireframing and final visual design. I also work with developers to ensure the final product matches the final mockup design.


We came up with keywords that served as our baseline for the app. We want the users to feel "connected, secure, and satisfying" when using the app. From that, we came up with the "How Might We" statement, which became our primary goal. 

Haulink User Flow Map


Haulink User Flow Map

We came up with keywords that served as our baseline for the app. We want the users to feel "connected, secure, and satisfying" when using the app. From that, we came up with the "How Might We" statement, which became our primary goal. 


Initial Wireframe

Final Visual Design

Through many discussions, we came up with features that allow users to send the "blessing" and warm message to the other person upon finishing the prayer. It will give the users instant gratification and is also appropriate for this religious app. The next step is to create a user flow, sketch, and then initial wireframe. We then get the feedback from the stakeholder and update the UI to make it more intuitive. 


We get the feedback from the stakeholder and update the UI to make it more intuitive. The Prayer Partner app helps to create a safe environment for people to practice their daily religious ritual and send support to fiends and family members. 

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